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    Home / Terms and Conditions

    Terms and Conditions
    General Conditions of Use of the www.trustintape.com Website

    Trustin Tape Pvt Ltd welcomes you to our website. Access and use of this site are regulated by these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter “GCoU”). Access and use of this site presumes that the user has read, knows and agrees to these GCoU.

    1. Portal.

    This site is a portal created and managed by Trustin Tape Pvt Ltd, with registered offices at SEZ-2-Z/111/E, Dahej, Bharuch, India (hereinafter “TTPL”).

    2. Contents

    The contents (texts, images, sounds, videos, graphics, trademarks, domain names, logos, audiovisual materials, etc.) of this site are the property of TTPL and/or third parties and are protected by Italian copyright law, Law No. 633/1941, as amended (hereinafter “ICL”). Reproduction, communication to the public, making them available to the public, rental, lending, publiTwermc execution, even partially, and distribution without the authorisation of the copyright holder is forbidden. The penalties provided by Art. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of Italian Copyright Law apply to anyone who infringes upon such rights.

    3. Absolved obligations.

    The contents present on this site have absolved obligations derived from Italian Copyright Law and connected rights, after verifying due possession of SIAE licenses.

    4. Protection of contents

    Certain contents can have technological protective measures in accordance with and due to the effects of Art. 102 quater of ICL, consisting of devices and/or components for preventing or restricting acts not authorised by the copyright holder; digital information may be present on the rights regime indicating the terms and conditions of use of works and/or materials, the author of the work or any other holder, as well as numbers and codes representing such information or other identifying elements. The images published on this site: originate from databases; are the property of TTPL; were sold by operators; are covered by Creative Commons licenses; or were uploaded by users under their responsibility. Reproduction of the material published on this site can be done on any support, however solely for personal use, or for scientific and educational purposes, provided that it is free of charge and has no commercial purpose.


    This site contains spaces called “Comments” provided to users (who have reached the age of consent), where the latter can enter contents of text independently and under their sole responsibility. It is forbidden to enter sensitive information. Inclusion of such contents on this site does not entail either approval or endorsement by TTPL, which exercises no sort of control. TTPL is not responsible for the following, for example but not limited to: the legality, truthfulness or accuracy of such contents, or respect for industrial and/or intellectual property rights or privacy laws. Further, it does not answer for their opposition to public order, proper conduct and/or their morality. In this connection, you should know that Italian Copyright Law does not permit unauthorised reproduction or making works protected by copyright available to the public (even through file sharing). It is therefore forbidden to upload on the Internet or share copies of protected works without the author’s authorisation. The criminal penalties provided by the above law will be inflicted against whoever contravenes this ban.

    6. External links.

    This site contains links to other Internet sites not under the control of TTPL. Publication of these links on this site does not entail either approval or endorsement by TTPL of these sites or their contents and does not imply any form of guarantee by the latter. The user therefore acknowledges that TTPL is not responsible, for example for the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness or respect for industrial or intellectual property rights, the legality and/or any other aspect related to such Internet sites, and does not answer for their being against public order, proper conduct and/or morality. Therefore TTPL assumes no responsibility for the links to other Internet sites and/or the contents present on the www.trustintape.com site or for any other domains registered by Trustin Tape Pvt Ltd.

    7. Liability disclaimer.

    Since the material is downloaded and obtained through use of the service chosen by and at the risk of the user, the user himself is responsible for any damage caused to his computer system or loss of data caused by downloads, and cannot blame TTPL for any such occurrence. TTPL shall not be held responsible for damage caused by inability to access services on the site or damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, failures, disruption of service, deletion of contents, problems related to the network, providers or telephone and/or telecommunications connections, unauthorised accesses, alteration of data, failure or faulty operation of electronic devices of the user.

    8. Privacy.

    Please carefully read the Privacy Policy which applies every time the user visits to the www.TTPLindustries.com site and uses its services. Our Privacy Policy helps to understand how TTPL gathers and utilises your personal details and for which purpose.

    9. Changes.

    TTPL can change or update these General Conditions of Use wholly or partially. Notices of any changes and updates to these GCoU shall be provided on the home page of www.TTPLindustries.com as soon as they are adopted and shall take effect upon publication in this section of our website. So please check this section regularly to see if a more recent version of our General Conditions of Use has been published. If you do not agree, wholly or partially, with the General Conditions of Use of TTPL, please stop visiting our website.

    10. Applicable law.

    These General Conditions of Use are governed by the laws of Italy.

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